Tochigi prefecture
This is an official collaboration between the hit anime and manga series “Attack on Titan,” and Japanese sake brand Daina. The third in the series, this brew features Captain Levi. In keeping with its namesake, this sake uses the king of sake rice, Yamadanishiki, and delivers a rich, complex flavor befitting Captain Levi’s reputation and status. Serve this sake cold, like Levi’s feelings toward Titans.
Complete your home izakaya with a snack and ware carefully selected by Tippsy — with no additional shipping fees!
Cheese-flavored snacks create a harmonious pairing with this sake. For sake ware, glasses or cups that enhance the sake’s fruity aroma.
Portfolio Manager, Tippsy
Brand | Daina |
Brewery | Kikunosato Brewing Company |
Category | Junmai Ginjo |
Subcategory | N/A |
Taste Profile | Light & Sweet |
Rice variety | Yamadanishiki |
Yeast variety | Association No. 10 Lineage (M310) |
Alcohol | 15% |
RPR | 55% |
SMV | -2 |
Acidity | 1.7 |
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